Search and Rescue Report |
11/20/2004 to 11/21/2004 |
NARG members Andrew Bland, Jerry Rawdon and his dogs Victor, Frank, and Steve, Aaron Currier and guest Chris Wissinger met at the Dallas Limestone Quarry on Saturday, November 20, 2004. Andrew and Jerry arrived early to set up camp and build a fire. The temperature was in the upper 30's to lower 40's -- a brisk, foggy morning. Chris and Aaron arrived around 10:15am. The team discussed the surrounding quarry area and a little prospecting was done with no success. At another quarry location numerous fossils were found, however they were condensed in to very few rocks. We speculated that the exposure was likely buried and finding it would be quite difficult. We prospected the area for other exposures, but none really found much. In a couple of piles, however, the condensed fossil conglomerates had a lot to look at. What appeared to some as a few oysters and a lot of junk was reassessed and we discovered a plethora of unusual fossil critters.
We found, in addition to the oysters (Ostrea sp.), bryzoans that look like Fenestella sp.; numerous small brachiopods identified as Terebratulina sp.; clam and snail fragments, including an almost complete large gastropod, likely the "rare" Pleurotomaria; numerous sea urchin spines, probably Spatangus sp.; another unusual specimen thought to be a very large Foramniferan -- all of which is listed as fossils that can be found -- and most interesting was a column of star-shaped segments of a crinoid, which is not listed in the fossils that can be found there. Unfortunately we didn't find any more shark teeth. However back at the first quarry, another attempt at prospecting yielded a crab carapace fragment. If you are counting, then we collected specimens from seven animal phylums -- Arthropoda, Brachiopoda, Bryzoa, Echinodermata, Foramnifera, Mollusca, and Chordata -- plus we found some plant ichnofossils (wood imprints). Andrew, Jerry and the dogs camped overnight and the temperature dropped to the 20's. Good thing they had a large fire going. Aaron rejoined the team Sunday morning for another attempt at prospecting the area. Very interesting geological features, primarily limestone cliff walls, are abundant in the area, but no other fossil exposures were found. The area was marked with the gps unit and photos were taken to record the exploration. For a change in scenery, the team drove to the Helmick Hill fossil locality, mentioned in the ORE-BIN publication. Again, the team prospected a lot with very little to show. However, information was learned from a local couple who have a roadside stand with fresh canned and baked goods. A few cinnamon rolls later we prospected more and just as the team was wrapping it up for the weekend, Aaron found a concretion with fossil remnants. Andrew and Aaron then discovered a few other mudstone/siltstone conglomerates in the roadcut and disection of the rocks yielded a number of nice mollusks, including Dentalium sp., a naticid snail, and clams Acila, Nuculana, and possibly Yoldia. Again, we marked the area with the GPS and chalked it up to another site confirmed. Future collecting at this site will require some exploration and patience. |
©2004 NARG - North America Research Group |