Search and Rescue Report

Oregon Fossil Fest 06' and Astoria Formation Fieldtrip
Bill Sullivan

We enjoyed our third Fossil Fest show Saturday in Newport, OR. Held at the Hatfield Marine Science Center, the show is growing in popularity and content each year. It is a great way to meet other fossil aficionados and see interesting fossils brought in by show attendees for identification. Dr. Bill Orr kindly identifies vertebrate and non vertebrate fossil specimens (where possible). Aaron Currier serves as Dr. Orr's able assistant.

Dr. Orr and Guy DiTorrece (Oregon Fossil Guy) both presented well attended and informative fossil physiology and geology seminars during the day. Dr. Orr's subject on Form and Function compared the natural physiology of fossils with modern marvels that impact our lives. Things like zippers and Velcro have their design basis in ancient life forms. Guy DiTorrece gave a great seminar on the Fossils of Oregon Beaches.

Our theme for exhibits and education was Jurassic and Cretaceous Ammonites of Oregon. We heard a great number of stimulating questions asked about the creatures and their life cycle. Yes Virginia, the seashore was in Central Oregon back then, very cool, don't you think? We also featured a computer slide show presentation showing past NARG field trip photos.

For the kids we featured 2 sandboxes where the juniors could screen for Florida shark teeth fossils. We gave the kids their trophies and a flyer to help them identify the species of sharks they found. Following the show's close and our goodbyes, the NARG crew headed to the beach in quest of fossil treasures. Winter tides had washed away a great deal of the sand which normally covers the beach, so the siltstone was exposed for our review and pleasure. Members found a few whale vertebrate and Pinniped bone pieces in matrix. Some nice smaller gastropod and clam specimens were also located. As darkness descended so did the rain, so, for most of us it was back to the city. For the lucky few it was another night at the beach with new beachcombing opportunities tomorrow!

Stalwart NARG members trekking to the Oregon Coast included: Andrew and Steven Bland, Andrew Bergholtz, Curt Burbach, Aaron Currier, Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Hunt, Tiffany and Rose Jackson, Peg and Rick Johnson, Charles, Mackenzie and Tami Smith, Joe Hendrix and myself. A learning time was had by all. vini vendi fossum respectfully, Bill Sullivan

Trip Pictures

A beautifully Aturia displayed by Guy Di Torrice
A beautifully Aturia displayed by Guy Di Torrice.
MacKenzie giving out free Astoria Formation fossils
MacKenzie giving out free Astoria Formation fossils.
Chuck and Andrew talking with guest about Oregon ammonites
Chuck and Andrew talking with guest about Oregon ammonites.
Guests looking over Guy Di Torrice display table
Guests looking over Guy Di Torrice display table.
Dr. William Orr (right) identifying fossils
Dr. William Orr (right) identifying fossils.
Kids screening for shark teeth at NARGs demonstration table
Kids screening for shark teeth at NARG's demonstration table.
Steven talking with guest about Oregon ammonites
Steven talking with guest about Oregon ammonites.
More kids screening for shark teeth
More kids screening for shark teeth.
Bill taking with Rose and Tiffany
Bill taking with Rose and Tiffany.
Guests picking through fossils at MacKenzies table
Guests picking through fossils at MacKenzie's table.
Steven on the beach at Newport
Steven on the beach at Newport.
Astoria Formation exposure
Astoria Formation exposure.
Joe on the beach at Newport
Joe on the beach at Newport.
Rose and Tiffany
Rose and Tiffany.
MacKenzie investigating a fossil
MacKenzie investigating a fossil.